Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region
STRIDE - Improve energy security and energy efficiency
Over the past years, smart grids have been placed very high at the European Union’s agenda. At the beginning, this field was specific in its introduction, since it required concrete and realistic system solutions. Today, with the extensive development of technologies, these initial barriers are overcome.
STRIDE Project
The STRIDE project, standing for Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region, is led by the Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje – LEASP together with seven project partners and eight associated partners from Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Through knowledge transfer and the development of planning tools, the STRIDE project aims to provide a comprehensive support for local/regional policy makers for the improvement of energy planning. Some of the main objectives in this transnational project include regional analyses, developed strategies, action plans and other tools (i.e. methodologies, guidebook, web platform) that will enable and accelerate the integration of Smart Grid concepts into local and regional policies across the Danube region.

Our Story
Project Impact
The STRIDE project is aligned with the Danube Transnational Programme’s Priority Axis 3 – Better connected and energy responsible Danube region, and will directly contribute to the programme Specific objective 3.2 – Improve energy security and energy efficiency. The main results of the STRIDE project are developed and integrated Smart Grid strategies with action plans at a local/regional level in collaboration of participating Danube regions.
Project partners

University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Bulgarian Energy and Mining Forum

Czech Republic
EGÚ Brno, a.s.

Bosnia And Herzegovina
Centre for Energy, Environment and Resources
Long-Term Project Results
- The STRIDE methodology for regional analysis, good practice guidebook, and digital platform designed in a way that allows their application to be rolled out across the Danube region;
Impact on building the capacity of smart grid infrastructure in the Danube region; and
- Replication of the STRIDE project provides much-needed scalability across the Danube region and beyond.
- Lack of knowledge and capacities for the integration of Smart Grid concepts into regional and local policies
- Lack of cooperation of different actors of triple helix
- Lack of knowledge on innovative technical solutions for the implementation of Smart Grids, Poor integration of RES in the power grids
- Poor interaction of urban area with rural area