The Energy Summit 2022 gathered stakeholders from the energy sector, who jointly concluded that it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

Figure 1: Energy Summit 2022 in BiH

In the period from March 23rd to 25th, the Energy Summit 2022 was held in the city of Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), bringing together key local, regional and international actors to discuss the necessary reform of the energy sector and BiH’s path in transition to clean energy. The event served as the 6th annual instalment of the Energy Summit, which was organised after a two-year break (2020 – 2021) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Energy Summit 2022 provided additional momentum to reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina by bringing together decision-makers and relevant actors in the sector. A special focus of the Energy Summit 2022 was the active participation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the fight against climate change and related challenges to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). During the Energy Summit, all results regarding the development of the energy sector in BiH in the previous period were summarised in detail.
The main topics of the Energy Summit were focused on the decarbonisation or transition of the energy sector to clean energy, security of natural gas and electricity supply, the state and changes in the energy market, the role of women in the energy sector and energy sustainability.
Some highlights from the Summit were as follows:
- Panel – Reform agenda for the energy sector, status, challenges and potentials: The aim of the panel was to present the reform of the BiH energy sector and its importance for the sustainable future of the sector in light of the EU Clean Energy Package.

Figure 2: Instruments and programs for facilitating and accelerating the decarbonization process in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Panel: Decarbonisation of the energy sector. During the panel, the current and future obligations of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the road to the decarbonisation of the energy sector were discussed. The commitments made through the adopted NDC, the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, the Roadmap for Decarbonisation and the NECP (under development) have defined the path for the transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s energy sector. The panel discussion covered the possibilities of realising these obligations through the implementation of guarantees of origin (GO), energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEO) and carbon taxation, sources of funding needed to build infrastructure for e-mobility, active customers (electricity producers) and energy efficiency measures.
- Technical workshop on the application of EU rules and guidelines for the operation of the electricity grid. The workshop was intended for experts of transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), regulatory commissions, producers, end users and the general professional public, with the aim of getting acquainted with the revised regulatory framework in the field of operation and management of the power system.

Figure 3: Guidelines for amending distribution grid codes
The main challenges of the electricity market development were defined, some of which are: the necessity to upgrade and modernise the aging energy infrastructure; review of electricity market design; review commitment for low-carbon economy; support consumer empowerment, providing consumers with information and offering options on how they can participate in the energy market, be better protected and in a stronger position in the energy supply chain.
The main conclusion of this event was that BiH must accelerate its energy transition from the use of fossil fuels to renewable sources. This process requires the development of new strategies, plans, policies and the implementation of legislative reforms at all levels of government. During the event, all international and domestic partners at all levels have been invited to work together on initiatives and actions that will ensure clean and affordable energy for all and accelerate the transition to what we call green solutions.