ConPlusUltra becomes an official cooperation partner of Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland’s sustainability initiative

STRIDE – Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region

ConPlusUltra becomes an official cooperation partner of Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland’s sustainability initiative

ConPlusUltra (CPU) has become an official cooperation partner of the Sustainability Initiative of the Raiffeisenlandesbank Burgenland (bank) in Austria. The sustainability initiative aims at supporting private households, companies and communes who are interested in carrying out innovative green projects. To offer these services, the initiative has formed a network of finance institutions, business and technical consultants as well as engineering and installation companies to name a few.

ConPlusUltra has agreed to make all its services available to companies and communes in the region wishing to take part in the green transition and switch to cleaner energy.

Furthermore, ConPlusUltra is supporting the Raiffeisenlandesbank in setting up energy communities that can potentially cover 99.5 % of the electricity consumers in the province. For all 20 electric power transformation stations in the province, there will be a regional energy community that will further join an umbrella energy community. The legal entities of the energy communities will be non-profit co-operatives that are under close guidance and control of the bank and hence benefit from the credibility of an established banking institution.

Further, for any common investments in the energy communities, the bank will be offering special loan conditions and supporting investors with consultancy about grant funding, tax optimisation and licensing. This is a big step for Burgenland and Austria since the initiative marks the beginning of larger cooperation ventures promoting and supporting energy communities at a regional level.


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