Final regional event in Spodnje Podravje

STRIDE – Improved energy planning through the Integration of Smart Grid concepts in the Danube Region

Final regional event in Spodnje Podravje

On 20th September, Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje (LEASP) is organising a final STRIDE dissemination event in Slovenia, where the main results of the project – i.e., the STRIDE strategy, action plans and Smart Energy Platform – will be presented. 

Start Date & Time:     20 September 2022 (9:00)

End   Date & Time:     20 September 2022 (15:00)

Venue:                              Volkmer’s House of Culture

Address:                        Janežovski Vrh 44, Destrnik, Slovenia

Event Contact Info.:   Tea Potocnik – Lead Partner – LEASP

                                          Roman Kekec – Project Manager – LEASP

The final STRIDE dissemination event, will present the most important outputs of the Interreg Danube project. The Slovenian lead partner’s regional smart grid strategy and resulting action plans for smart grid promotion and integration will be presented in detail. Through this, invited regional stakeholders will be debriefed on the development process of the strategy, from the regional analysis of the baseline, to the training of key stakeholders on STRIDE project findings, to the actual implementation of smart grids in the region – in other words, the long-term goal of the project. 

Participants of the event will include representatives from local municipalities, energy agencies and the technology providers, an interdisciplinary mix of participants to assure the wider uptake of the STRIDE project results and, most importantly, the STRIDE platform. In addition to providing registered members with tools and resources for the improvement of energy planning, the STRIDE digital platform creates a network of experts, policymakers, and other relevant actors to boost the development of smart grids throughout the Danube Region – allowing the impact of STRIDE to extend well beyond the official project end in November 2022.

The regional stakeholder event will be held in conjunction with the Interreg Europe ZEROCO2 project, which had received additional EU funds in 2021 to continue its applauded work in increasing awareness of and sharing best practices in the realm of decarbonisation technologies for buildings. The information and networking event with bring together likeminded stakeholders in the energy/technology sectors as well as local/regional government to further build capacity of both the STRIDE and ZEROCO2 projects – ultimately joining forces to address the common goal of a decarbonised, net-zero Europe by 2050.


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